(4) My 2nd Book: “The Implications Of Jesus’ Comings” (FREE DOWNLOAD!)

My 2nd Book:

“The Implications Of Jesus’ Comings” – Completed On 3-31-2019


Learn about what I believe life will be like after the 1st Rapture!

The Implications of Jesus’ Comings, 3-31-2019 – CLICK THIS LINK FOR A FREE DOWNLOAD!

~Roger Funk, II, Author

As I’ve explained and taught from the Scriptures in my 1st Book, ‘THE COMINGS OF THE LORD JESUS: Explaining Latter-Days Prophecies From The Holy Bible (AKJV)’, the Bible reveals that there will be 3 Raptures, not only 1! The “1st Rapture” will be just prior to the “7-year Covenant” that Daniel foretold in Daniel 9:24-27, I contend!

The period thereafter will be radically different from life as we now know it! Learn about what I believe will transpire as an IMPLICATION OF the “1st Rapture” and for the rest of the 7-year reign of the Antichrist!

After reading this rather short PDF, you will want to study and learn what the Scriptures teach that leads me to make all the declarations I’ve made of what will take place during that 7-year Covenant period. You will be able to do so by obtaining my 1st Book – either the eBook or the Paperback – at the following URLs:


Paperback Book

Check out the details about it on Amazon’s Website – just click either of the links above!

Book Cover: 'THE COMINGS OF THE LORD JESUS: Explaining Latter-Days Prophecies From The Holy Bible (AKJV)'

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