I wrote a Book.
(It’s available at Amazon.com – links at bottom of this Page)
The Title of this one is:
“THE COMINGS OF THE LORD JESUS: Explaining Latter-Days Prophecies From The Holy Bible (AKJV)”
This is what I’ve written about the Book on the Amazon Website:
Explaining Latter-Days Prophecies From The Holy Bible (AKJV)” Is All About:
If you know the Bible well, or don’t know it at all, THIS BOOK IS FOR YOU! This is a great place to get a complete understanding of what the Scriptures teach about the Lord’s “Comings” to us. I’ve studied the Bible for tens of thousands of hours, and I’m sure of what I believe!
You start out reading a lot of Scriptures without much written about them. That’s just to familiarize you with the subject. Later on, I discuss all the details much more fully.
Many people talk about “the Tribulation Period” and state whether or not they are “Pre-Trib”, “Mid-Trib”, or “Post-Trib” in their theories of what the Bible teaches about the Latter Days.
Although all three have correct points to make, I’ll show you that what the Bible teaches actually disputes ALL of these theories. In fact, the Bible doesn’t even call that period of time “the Tribulation”; you’ll have to read the Book to find out what the right terminology is!
I hope you’ll enjoy the reading and study of God’s Word and my remarks about it! May the Spirit of wisdom and revelation impart to you, also, the knowledge of Jesus Christ – and may you be prepared for His Comings!
~Roger Funk, II, Author
PS: Learn about the 3 Raptures, the Antichrist and the False Prophet,
the 2 Witnesses, Daniel’s prophecy, Revelation prophecy,
and much, much more!
Study what I believe the Scripture teaches the End Times are REALLY going to be like, NOT just what you have heard before!
Links to obtain the Book at the Amazon Site:
I pray my Book will be eye-opening as I REVEAL to you SECRETS of God’s Word openly!
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